Time is Precious

You always think there will be more time. More time to take that trip, go to that restaurant, call that family member or friend, attend that event, go back to school, etc. The truth is we never know how much time we have on this earth and we need to use it wisely. 

How many opportunities did I allow to pass me by because I was afraid of the risk? The answer, sadly, is too many! Recently I reflected on my teenage years, I had so much ambition for my life. I had dreams of becoming a pilot, a novelist, and of course a mother.

One dream came true:

I have a beautiful son and cherish my time with him, but why did I stop there?

Becoming a writer was always a part of my plan so why did I stop pursuing it?

“What’s holding you back? Is it fear of failure? Is it a lack of education or experience?” I’m constantly asking myself these questions. I had the idea to start this copywriting business and yes I was afraid. I still am to a degree, it’s unsettling to put yourself out there not knowing if you’ll succeed.


However, doing nothing scares me more.


Fear plays an important role in all our lives. It can motivate you to move forward and take action, or it can paralyze you. I am making the decision today to not let fear of the unknown paralyze me.

I will put myself out there
I will network with like-minded individuals
I will grow as a person and business owner. 

I don’t want to look back on my life in 30-40 years with regret that I didn’t take the risk. I have always wanted to be a writer, and I’m making it happen. 


If you are like me and feel that tug of fear holding you back, let me tell you the time is now!


It’s time for you to break through that resistance and show up for yourself. Allow yourself grace when you have setbacks, celebrate your wins no matter how small, and keep your goals at the forefront of your mind.


Book Review: 7 Keys to 7 Figures