Welcome To Copy That

My primary intent for this blog is to write about topics that interest me, books I have read, projects I am working on, and experiences throughout my life. Thank you for coming along on this journey with me, I hope you all enjoy it!

Having a blog has always been a dream of mine, but I was so nervous about what people would think, or worse, I wouldn’t have anything to discuss. I then realized that life would go on with or without me, and I could choose to put myself out there or remain afraid of the potential. If I did nothing, a year from now my life would be the same. Or I could leap and just keep writing.

I saw a quote the other day: "If you’re going to spend time worrying about worst-case scenarios, it’s only fair to spend time considering best-case scenarios.” -Unknown. Worst case, no one reads this but I get an outlet for my writing and the opportunity to hone my craft. Best case, people do read it, enjoy it, and provide good feedback for me to improve.