Book Review: 7 Keys to 7 Figures

This book was recommended to me through an Amazon book club: Business & Growth. At first, I was skeptical and thought it might be another “get rich quick scheme” or “follow my 7-step plan and you’ll be a millionaire”. But, I took the bait and purchased it and I am glad I did, I was pleasantly surprised to find out this was not the case.

While you need to take steps to succeed, none of these steps mentioned are a scheme. Leslie talks about her life, the mistakes she has made, what helped and what didn't, and how all of these led to the 7 keys. It’s more than just working hard to achieve your goals, she goes deeper into how to get into the right mindset, asking the tough questions about your goals, and making you take a hard realistic look at where you are vs where you want to be. 

I highly recommend this book to the woman with an idea in her head of what she wants to do but doesn’t have direction. To the woman who has already started but may be struggling to find her footing. And to the seasoned professional who is up and running and already quite successful. This book is chalked full of advice, tips, tricks, and resources for every stage in your business.

P.S. This is not paid advertising, I truly purchased and recommend this book. This is my honest opinion of what I read.


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